Vibroliposuction is a modern and effective technique for treating localized fatty deposits.
A device called LIPOMATIC will give a suction cannula small back and forth movements facilitating its penetration through the fibrous partitions of the fatty tissue. The vibration of the end of the cannula preserves the small blood vessels without damaging them, thereby reducing the risk of hematomas.
When can you consider vibroliposuction?
Vibroliposuction makes it possible to permanently remove localized fat deposits that do not disappear despite diets or sports. It is therefore not just the superficial fat under the skin, which is present everywhere on the body, but above all the fat located in a second, deeper layer.
Usually these areas are located at:
- From the belly between the navel and the pubis (lower abdomen);
- From the waist (love handles);
- From the outer side of the thighs (saddlebags);
- From the inside of the knees;
- And also on the back of the arms and under the chin.
You may therefore consider vibroliposuction when:
- You have localized areas of fat deposits that are unsightly compared to the rest of your body;
- You want better definition of your figure;
- If your skin elasticity is sufficient.
What are the benefits of vibroliposuction?
Patients can expect to obtain a real aesthetic benefit from vibroliposuction. It is a safe and effective way to treat excess fat. Here are the main advantages:
- Cela permet d’éliminer immédiatement la graisse de certaines zones du corps ;
- Your shapes will have a more harmonious appearance;
- The technique requires small incisions, which result in small scars;
- • The operation can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation, which is less risky than an operation under general anesthesia.
The disadvantages of vibroliposuction.
- The results can be affected by weight gain, aging and pregnancy;
- La vibroliposuccion ne permet pas d’améliorer l’apparence de la cellulite ou d’une peau distendue.
If you want to know the best solution in your case, a consultation with Dr Christophe Desouches is necessary for a precise assessment.
Are you a good candidate for vibroliposuction?
For some people, diet and exercise cannot get rid of stubborn fat deposits. Here are some of the reasons why you might consider vibroliposuction:
- Vous n’avez que peu d’excès de peau et une bonne élasticité cutanée. La perte d’élasticité de la peau avec l’âge peut compromettre la qualité des résultats de la vibroliposuccion, mais si votre peau est restée élastique, l’âge seul n’est pas une contre-indication pour la vibroliposuccion ;
- You have excess fat located in the abdomen, arms, thighs or neck and these deposits do not go away with exercise or diet. You are in good physical shape, are no more than 10 kg overweight, and your weight is stable;
- Si vous prévoyez de perdre ou de prendre du poids (par exemple, en raison d’une grossesse ou d’un régime), ce n’est pas le bon moment d’envisager une vibroliposuccion ;
- Gardez à l’esprit que la vibroliposuccion ne supprime pas la cellulite et ne peut retendre une peau lâche. Le Dr Christophe Desouches sera en mesure de vous recommander d’autres procédures pour améliorer ces points-là.
Areas that can be lipospirated:
- Arm ;
- Pegs;
- Neck ;
- Thigh: internal face and anterior face;
- Saddlebags or outer thigh;
- Back;
- Double chin ;
- Buttocks;
- Flanks;
- Calves;
- Chest (in men);
- Cut ;
- Hips;
- Ventre au-dessus de l’ombilic ;
- Ventre au-dessous de l’ombilic.
If you are in good general health, with a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are probably a good candidate for this procedure.
Information on the intervention of vibroliposuction:
How is vibroliposuction performed?
Vibroliposuction removes fat from your body through suction. In this procedure, thin, blunt-tipped tubes (cannulas) are inserted through small incisions under the skin. The back and forth of the cannula at the level of fat deposits allow them to be sucked.
The equipment used, a motorized cannula, causes a vibration which contributes to the liquefaction of the fat which will be removed. In the traditional liposuction process, the doctor makes movements for the removal of fat. The motorized handpiece performs these movements mechanically, and since these movements are faster and more standardized, this allows for smoother results. The performance of the act being simpler and easier, it reduces the time of the surgery.
What will vibroliposuction scars look like?
- Because the vibroliposuction incisions are 1 to 2mm, the scars are small and hardly visible;
- Most vibroliposuction scars disappear and are barely noticeable over time. Visible scarring is more common when large cannulas are used and in patients who have dark pigmentation;
- La qualité de cicatrisation dépend cependant de facteurs génétiques et il est possible d’observer une cicatrisation hypertrophique ;
- Rarely, the scar may be associated with dyschromia, which is a patch on dark (hyperpigmentation) or light (hypopigmented) skin.
Although scars from the incisions are in most cases permanent, they fade and improve over time. Dr Christophe Desouches, your Marseille cosmetic surgeon, will make every effort to place scars in hidden areas and minimize them, in order to achieve the desired result with the most discreet scars possible.
What are the consequences of the vibroliposuction intervention?
Dr Christophe Desouches will study with you for the necessary time before you can return to your normal level of sports and social activity. After surgery, you will receive detailed instructions on your postoperative care, as well as information on:
- The normal symptoms you will experience;
- Signs of possible complications.
Immediately after vibroliposuction.
You wear special compression garments to keep your skin compressed. They usually have to be worn for 6 weeks.
Lorsque l’anesthésie se dissipe, vous pouvez ressentir une certaine douleur. Si la douleur est importante ou si elle tarde à se dissiper, parlez-en avec l’équipe médicale qui vous prend en charge des antalgiques puissants peuvent vous être administrés pendant l’hospitalisation. Vous constaterez également une rougeur et un gonflement après la chirurgie. Dans certains cas, l’œdème persistera quelques semaines, voire un à deux mois. Le Dr Desouches, chirurgien esthétique à Marseille, vous dira si votre douleur, votre rougeur ou vos gonflements sont normaux ou un si c’est le signe d’une complication.
Recovery time after vibroliposuction.
It is extremely important that you follow all of the care instructions given to you exactly. This will include advice on wearing compression garments, taking antibiotics, and the level of physical activity allowed. Dr Christophe Desouches, your cosmetic surgeon, will also provide you with detailed instructions on the normal symptoms you will experience and the signs of a possible complication. It is important to know that recovery time varies greatly from person to person.
What are the limits and risks of vibroliposuction?
Complications from vibroliposuction surgery are rare. Your specific risks will be assessed during your consultation with Dr Christophe Desouches in Marseille.
All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk. Some potential complications to all surgeries are:
- Réaction indésirable à l’anesthésie ;
- Hematoma or seroma (accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin);
- Infection and bleeding;
- Sensitivity disturbances;
- Hypertrophic or hyperpigmented scars;
- Allergic reactions;
- Unsatisfactory results which may require additional interventions;
- Blood clots in the legs or lungs (Phlebitis or pulmonary embolism)
D’autres risques spécifiques à la liposuccion sont décrits ci-dessous :
- Asymmetry;
- Skin irregularities;
You can reduce certain risks by following the advice and instructions of Dr Christophe Desouches cosmetic surgeon from Marseille, both before and after your vibroliposuction.