Before any treatment, I will have to assess your expectations and thus create a treatment plan. All information about the Botox (botulinum toxin) presented here are general.
- No anti-inflammatory medication
Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs can make bruising after treatment worse.
- Static wrinkles VS dynamic wrinkles
The Botox injections can be used for reduce the appearance of wrinkles dynamic (which are only visible during expression), but will not get rid of static wrinkles (which appear even when the face is at rest). If you have a mix of static and dynamic wrinkles, we can use other treatments together.
- No alcohol
Botox and alcohol do not make a good cocktail!
Alcohol can exacerbate any bruising due to treatment and therefore should be avoided before and after treatment. It is recommended to leave a minimum of 24 hours between injections and alcohol consumption.
- No strenuous exercise
This can cause bruising and, in extreme cases, movement of Botox to other areas of the face.
- No plane
We recommend leaving 24-48 hours between treatment and flight, as changes in air pressure can alter how botulinum toxin affects your face.
- Arnica
If you develop bruising, you can use arnica to lessen the appearance.