Why not take advantage of the fall to take care of your skin, rehydrate it, repair it and strengthen it to prevent the harm to come from long cold days?
Mesotherapy will revitalize your skin, providing it with all the elements it needs to fight against aging.
Cosmetics have a superficial action, not being able to act on the deep layers, which however, lose their vital elements, like the collagen or thehyaluronic acid. Consequently, this damage suffered at depth has repercussions on the outside.
The idea is to revitalize and nourish your skin using a cocktail of vitamins, combined withhyaluronic acid fluid to stimulate the skin, and rehydrate it durably.
Using a fine needle, a revitalizing cocktail made up of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, hyaluronic acid is injected into the surface layers of the skin in small amounts.
There is no age to start, because the mesolift directly prevents, regenerates, revitalizes, rejuvenates the cells in the heart of the skin.
The results are noticeable after the first session by a "boost", but it will take on average a protocol of 5 sessions to obtain lasting global action.