An anxiety accentuated in recent years by the multiplication of opportunities to see each other, to observe each other, to dissect each other.
In the past, we only saw our reflection a few times during the day. Today it has become ubiquitous: between selfies, snaps, Instagram shots and Facebook posts, we are everywhere.
In order to better accept this reflection, we abuse filters, virtual artifices, play of light, to such an extent that our "virtual self" can sometimes be significantly different from reality ...
Apparently inevitable, this phenomenon raises many questions:
Is this trivialization / democratization of cosmetic surgery fundamentally bad?
Could it not in fact be a means of "equalizing the chances" of everyone, of allowing each individual to choose their physique rather than endure all their life an envelope which can sometimes turn out to be cumbersome?
Wouldn't it also allow the emphasis to be placed on this famous inner beauty, once outer beauty has become the norm?
To what extent is our brain able to consider as its own a face other than the one with which it was "born"? Doesn't that risk creating personality disorders?