Botulinum toxin is not reserved only for the upper third, today, botulinum toxin helps lighten the rest of the face with targeted corrections.
- The inverted smiley. An injection into the DAO, this muscle that causes the corners of the mouth to drop, helps lift drooping corners and redraw a sparkling smile.
- The orange peel on the chin. She gives the impression of pouting as soon as we speak. We smooth the muscles responsible.
- The bunny lines. Those little wrinkles that appear at the corner of the nose when you smile and make you look like you're grimacing. We limit the frowning.
- The chin that moves forward. As we age, the chin contracts and straightens. Same principle for raising the tip of the nose which pricks downwards.
- A square jaw. By treating the masseter muscle, we attenuate and feminize the features.
Botulinum toxin not only helps to drive away wrinkles, it also helps rest a tired face by opening the eyes and repositioning the eyebrows.
We can associate'hyaluronic acid to improve the result, make it more natural and more harmonious.