En effet, en dehors des dépôts de maquillage ou des méfaits de la pollution, il s’agit d’éliminer l’excès de sébum qui s’est déposé, et ce, quel que soit le type de peau.
In addition, those who apply a night cream will have to go through the cleaning box since the day assets are very different from those for the night. Finally, the skin may appear sad and gray in the morning.
You only need to use a serum once to never be able to do without this facial treatment again.
Compound rich in active ingredients, it is applied morning and evening to clean, dry skin.
Complément de la crème de soin, il a l’avantage de traiter les problèmes de peau de manière efficace et ciblée.
S’il fallait ne retenir qu’un seul geste : sans doute celui d’appliquer une crème hydratante.
Rich for dry skin and fluid for combination or oily skin, it has several advantages: hydration of the upper layers of the epidermis, a barrier to the effects of pollution!