Intimate Surgery

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04 91 55 00 00

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04 91 55 00 00

By choosing to entrust your operation to Dr. Christophe Desouches and his team in Marseille, you will have a quality experience at each stage of your process.

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04 91 55 00 00


Manhood and sex are important topics for a man. A small penis can cause significant discomfort in everyday life. Some men see it as a major and painful concern, which prevents them from living harmonious intimate and social relationships.

Penoplasty in Marseille: penile lengthening

Penile lengthening

Dr Christophe Desouches, cosmetic surgeon in Marseille, is recognized for his expertise in penoplasty, also called cosmetic penis surgery, penile lengthening or cosmetic phalloplasty.

The penis is attached to the pubis by a ligament called the suspensory ligament of the penis. The goal of this intervention is to partially disinsert this ligament in order to obtain lengthening at rest. The skin incision made at the base of the penis is made according to a design that allows by a technical device (advancement flap) to gain skin in order to increase this lengthening.

The enlargement of the penis thus obtained is 2 to 3 cm, at rest only.

Do you need to enlarge your penis?

The usefulness of this intervention is based more on the “perceived size” of the male sex rather than on objective measures. This means that for some patients, even if they are in a statistical average, it may be beneficial to proceed with penile lengthening if it resolves their physical and psychological concerns, allowing them to regain their self-confidence.

It therefore concerns any man dissatisfied with the dimensions of his penis, at rest or in erection, whether in length or in diameter.

Il n’y a pas de limite d’âge, cette opération peut être pratiquée par des hommes d’âge mûrs comme pour des jeunes hommes n’ayant pas encore commencé leur vie sexuelle.

How is a penoplasty procedure performed?

L’intervention consiste à inciser la peau entre la verge et le pubis. Cette incision mesure entre 4 et 5 centimètres. Elle permet d’accéder au ligament suspenseur et de le détacher partiellement. On réalise une plastie cutanée lors de la fermeture ce qui permet d’obtenir un gain de peau.

Sutures are made with absorbable stitches. The anesthesia used is generally complete (general anesthesia) or sometimes local combined with intravenous sedation. The operation is most of the time performed on an outpatient basis, with a discharge the same day.

The operation lasts about an hour.

Initial consultation for penoplasty

During this consultation, your surgeon will inquire about the importance of your social discomfort, your sex life, your erections, in order to have a precise knowledge of your case. Sometimes it will be possible that a visit to a specialist colleague such as a urologist or a psychiatrist is recommended to you, in order to give you the best advice.

Toute chirurgie même mineure comporte des risques. Ces complications sont extrêmement rares et habituellement mineures dans ce cas de figure. On ne peut éliminer les risques de réaction à l’anesthésie. La complication quelquefois retrouvée est l’infection ou l’hématome.

Penoplasty results in scarring. The evolution of these scars is unpredictable and can be exceptionally unfavorable with the occurrence of hypertrophic or retractile scars. These scar complications can cause discomfort and require a new operation.

Before surgery

Il est impératif d’arrêter de fumer au moins un mois avant la chirurgie, le tabac étant un facteur de retard de cicatrisation. La prise d’aspirine est interdite 10 jours avant l’intervention. Avant l’acte chirurgical, il est nécessaire de se doucher avec un savon antiseptique.

Le jour de la pénoplastie, il faut prévoir le temps suffisant pour arriver à l’heure prévue, sans stress excessif. Il est important de prévoir une personne qui puisse vous raccompagner à votre domicile après votre hospitalisation et qui vous aidera éventuellement les premiers jours suivant votre chirurgie.

Postoperative care and recovery after penoplasty

The postoperative effects are generally not very painful. Edema may appear which usually takes 10 to 15 days to resolve. Sexual abstinence is imperative for 3 weeks.

A support brief and bandages will be essential for 2 weeks to protect the scar from any tension. Scarring usually occurs after 2 weeks, when the sutures resolve.

Le résultat se stabilise autour du 4ème mois. C’est à cette date que l’on peut évaluer le résultat définitif.

A work stoppage of a few days may be necessary, depending on the physical stress associated with your professional activity, a sedentary activity allowing a faster recovery.

The gain of 2 to 3 cm is variable from one patient to another, it depends on his anatomy. It is seen on the flaccid penis, and has a little less impact during erection.

Penis enlargement: a complementary option to lengthening penoplasty

In addition to lengthening penoplasty, it is possible to combine it with penis thickening penoplasty which will enlarge the penis using lipofilling or by injection of hyaluronic acid.

These two operations can be grouped together or considered in isolation.

Price of a penoplasty

Tarif d’une pénoplastie selon le type :

– Penoplasty lengthening price: €3,600
– Price of fat thickening penoplasty: €3,600
– Price of penoplasty thickening with hyaluronic acid: €1800
– Penoplasty lengthening and thickening price: €5,000

A detailed quote is always provided by Dr. Desouches in order to obtain the patient's informed consent before the session. The fees include the cost of the clinic, the operating room as well as the fees of the doctors and surgeons involved in your care. Post-operative follow-up is also included in the price.
Il est important de noter qu’aucune prise en charge par l’assurance maladie n’est envisageable pour ce type de chirurgie.

Découvrir tous les prix de pénoplastie >

Before/After Penoplasty Results Photos

La pénoplastie, qu’il s’agisse d’un allongement ou d’un épaississement, offre des résultats visibles et personnalisés. Si vous souhaitez consulter des exemples de photos avant/après d’interventions réalisées par le Dr Christophe Desouches, nous vous invitons à nous contacter via le formulaire de contact. Nous vous enverrons une sélection de photos correspondant à vos besoins et à vos attentes, tout en respectant la confidentialité et l’anonymat des patients.

Our team is at your disposal to answer all your questions and support you in your process.

Contact us to improve your privacy

By choosing to entrust your privacy to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team, you are talking to experienced professionals who will accompany you at every stage of your process. Do not hesitate to contact us on 04 91 55 00 00 to make an appointment.

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