L’incision débute horizontalement en dessous de la patte des cheveux, se prolonge le long d’une ligne verticale devant l’oreille, contourne le lobule et se termine dans le cuir chevelu en arrière de l’oreille. Ces incisions se font dans des zones dissimulées mais laisseront des cicatrices visibles et définitives. La graisse excédentaire peut être aspirée au niveau du cou et du menton.
La peau des joues et du cou est décollée des plans profonds. Les muscles sont remis en tension. La peau est ensuite repositionnée et l’excès cutané est réséqué à la demande sans tension. La suture est généralement réalisée avec des fils résorbables. Un drainage peut être mis en place pour évacuer les sécrétions et éviter la formation d’un hématome. L’anesthésie utilisée peut être une anesthésie locale associée à une sédation ou une anesthésie générale. Le pansement est généralement assez volumineux, enveloppant le cuir chevelu.
Important information
This text provides basic information on the principles and procedure of cervicofacial lifting. A more detailed information sheet will be given to you during your consultation. A good understanding of the process and the expected result is essential before considering this intervention. It should be emphasized that the goal of this surgery is to bring improvement and not to achieve perfection. If your wishes are realistic, you will be satisfied with the result.
The initial consultation
La consultation initiale est l’occasion d’examiner votre visage, de discuter de vos motivations et de vous expliquer les résultats attendus. L’interrogatoire et l’examen permet de rechercher d’éventuelles pathologies qui pourraient entraîner des complications, telle que l’hypertension artérielle non contrôlée, les troubles de la coagulation ou le tabagisme.
Any surgical procedure, even carried out competently in conditions of maximum safety, carries a risk of complications. These complications are infrequent and usually minimal in this situation. There are risks of bruising, infection or reaction to anesthesia. It should be noted that the anesthetic techniques, the products used and the monitoring methods have made immense progress. They offer optimal safety, especially when the intervention is performed outside the emergency room and in a healthy person, but they can nevertheless involve risks of serious complications. The accidental injury to the nerve that controls the muscles of mimicry is exceptional. It causes usually temporary paralysis.
Ce qui n’est pas corrigé par l’intervention
Un lifting consiste en une remise en tension des tissus. La qualité de la peau n’est pas modifiée. Les rides d’expressions, les rides de la patte d’oie ou les rides péribuccales ne sont pas modifiées. Les fractures profondes sont améliorées par la tension exercée sur la peau sans jamais disparaître complètement. L’aspect des paupières n’est pas corrigé par un lifting cervico-facial isolé.
Before surgery
It is imperative to stop smoking at least two months before the surgery. The intake of aspirin is prohibited 10 days before the operation. Before the surgery, it is necessary to wash the body and the hair with an antiseptic soap. You should not wear make-up, wear contact lenses, jewelery or removable dental appliances when you arrive at the operating room. It is important to plan a person who can accompany you home after your hospitalization and who will possibly help you during the first days after your surgery.
Operative suites
The postoperative effects are generally not very painful. Hospitalization for the night following surgery is usually sufficient. During the first few days, there is usually swelling, which can be severe, and bruising of the neck and chin. It is necessary to have reduced activity for at least 3 to 5 days and to avoid any major effort for a month. Bruising and edema are visible for two to three weeks. Scars can be hidden in the front and back by the hair. The only visible area in front of the ear can be temporarily masked by covering makeup from the 6th day. Resumption of professional activity is possible after two to three weeks.
Post-operative consultations
A consultation is necessary:
- As an emergency if complications are suspected (fever, violent or throbbing pain, severe redness, continuous bleeding).
- On the 2nd day on average.
- Between the 7th and 10th day to control good healing.
- In the 2nd month and in the 6th month.