Avec l’âge le visage a tendance à perdre du volume et à s’émacier. Cette fonte graisseuse est en partie responsable du relâchement cutané et laisse deviner les structures sous jacentes. Dans ce processus les pommettes peuvent alors manquer de relief et ternir le dynamisme du visage.
Dr Christophe Desouches restores radiance to your face with cosmetic surgery of the cheekbones. Several approaches are possible.
Centro-facial lifting
Vous envisagez de corriger certaines des disgrâces liées au vieillissement par une traction des pommettes ? Ce lifting a pour but de corriger l’affaissement des tissus du visage et du cou
>>>More details on the centrofacial lift
Micro lipofilling
To correct the superficial damage of your skin, limit sagging of the face and fill in wrinkles, micro-lipofilling is recommended. It allows to find youth and beauty of the face over the long term, in the most natural way possible.
>>>More details on the micro-lipofilling
Bichat balls are fatty masses located in the cheeks, which help to give a round appearance to the cheek and therefore to the face.
When the face lacks definition, certain interventions aim to “enhance” the upper part of the face, the bichectomy allows on the contrary to hollow the cheeks, under the cheekbones in order to better structure the face.
>>>More details on the bichectomy
See the possibilities offered by aesthetic medicine
Aesthetic medicine for cheekbones
Discover the possibilities of beautifying cheekbones without surgery with the aesthetic medicine for cheekbones : hyaluronic acid or tensor threads.