Some women are embarrassed by an invaginated or inverted nipple: the end of the breast is deformed and the nipple is little marked or completely without relief. The shortness of the milk ducts is usually the cause.
The origin can be multiple: hereditary, following a pregnancy or an infection.
They then wish to find a solution to this aesthetic discomfort of their breasts.
Expert in cosmetic nipple surgery and breast surgery, Dr Christophe Desouches offers you a suitable solution in his practice located in Marseille.
In fact, invagination of the nipple, minimally invasive, not very painful, leaving no visible scar, allows this problem to be definitively resolved.
Why have cosmetic surgery for your nipple?
Patients with an invagination of the nipple are usually unaware that it is possible to correct this aspect of their breasts. It is often during a consultation for breast surgery that the opportunity arises, it is then offered in addition to said surgery.
This concerns women of all ages (after the end of puberty), embarrassed by a nipple that is too little prominent, or even inverted.
How is a nipple disinvagination performed?
Après entretien et étude de votre poitrine, le Dr Christophe Desouches vous préconisera la meilleure technique afin d’améliorer l’harmonie de votre poitrine, et vous fournira toute l’information utile pour la compréhension et la préparation de l’intervention.
The operation is performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation, rarely under general anesthesia, depending on the patient's profile.
It all starts with a preparation, during which the surgeon places benchmarks that will guide him.
Then the operation can take place: incisions at the base of the nipple for sectioning the milk ducts and small local plasties to give relief to the nipple.
The scars are most often limited and not very visible.
Finally, the sutures are made with absorbable threads.
The intervention is rapid, on average 30 to 60 minutes per nipple.
After the outpatient procedure, the patient can find her home.
For more information about cosmetic nipple surgery in general, Dr Desouches, a qualified cosmetic surgeon based in Marseille, will be able to answer all your questions.
What are the consequences and results of the intervention?
L’intervention est légère et peu douloureuse, se résorbe dans les premiers jours, donc les suites opératoires sont peu contraignantes :
- convalescence from 2 to 3 days
- dressing every 2 days for 2 weeks
- sleeping on your back or on your side for the first few days
- resumption of sports activities 2 weeks after the operation (3 weeks for swimming and intense sports)
The patient may notice a slight decrease in sensitivity during the first few days.
The result is quickly visible by the relief of the nipples.
After 6 to 12 months, the final aesthetic result is visible, marked nipples having regained volume, and generally no visible scar.