Cosmetic breast surgery

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04 91 55 00 00

By choosing to entrust your breasts to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team in Marseille, you will have a quality experience at every stage of your process.

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Dual plan breast augmentation

A popular technique for natural and harmonious results

L’augmentation mammaire est une intervention chirurgicale courante qui vise à augmenter le volume des seins chez les femmes insatisfaites de leur poitrine. Cependant, selon le contexte, la procédure peut parfois donner des résultats qui manquent de naturel. 

C’est pourquoi certaines femmes optent pour l’augmentation mammaire en dual plane, une technique qui permet d’obtenir des résultats plus naturels et plus harmonieux.

Les avantages de l’augmentation mammaire en dual plane

Dual plan breast implants give a more natural appearance because they are placed behind the pectoral muscle and the mammary gland, providing additional support for the implants. As a result, the patient will benefit from: 

  • More natural and harmonious results
  • Reduced risk of complications
  • Couverture de l’implant pour éviter les plis et les vagues
  • Correction of sagging breasts and breast asymmetries

La technique d’augmentation mammaire en dual plane

Concrètement, lors de l’opération, le Dr Christophe Desouches insère une partie de l’implant derrière le muscle pectoral et une autre partie derrière la glande mammaire. Cette méthode permet d’obtenir un résultat plus naturel et plus harmonieux, tout en minimisant les risques de complications tels que la coque, l’infection et la rupture de l’implant.

En positionnant une partie de l’implant derrière le muscle pectoral, cela permet de couvrir l’implant et d’éviter l’apparition de plis et de vagues. En même temps, la partie inférieure de l’implant positionnée derrière la glande mammaire permet d’augmenter le volume de la poitrine et de maintenir une apparence naturelle.

This technique also corrects sagging breasts, breast ptosis and breast asymmetries. It is particularly recommended for women who have underdeveloped breasts, who have lost volume after pregnancy or weight loss, or who have an asymmetrical breast.

Comment se déroule l’intervention ?

Dual plan breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that takes place under general anesthesia and lasts approximately 1 to 2 hours. 

It begins with a short incision usually placed around or inside the areola. Dr. Christophe Desouches limits the incision to only 3 to 4 cm in length even for large volumes because he uses a funnel-type introducer which significantly reduces the size of the scars. Thanks to this incision, he creates a space in front of the pectoral muscle then he disinserts the lower part of the muscle in order to create a box behind the muscle on its upper part. The implant placed will thus be behind the mammary gland in its lower part and behind the pectoral muscle in its upper part. Positioning the lower part of the implant behind the mammary gland gives it a more curved appearance.

He then inserts test implants (sizer) in order to select the ideal size of the implant. Once the ideal size is confirmed, the sizers are removed and the permanent breast implants placed. The incision is closed with deep stitches which slowly subside without any visible threads on the skin.

The type of implant used by Dr. Christophe Desouches is generally a round implant based on cohesive silicone gel without texturing (smooth implant) or micro-textured.

Le temps de récupération après l’opération est généralement de 1 à 2 semaines, bien que cela puisse varier en fonction de chaque patiente et de l’ampleur de l’opération. Des douleurs légères à modérées peuvent être ressenties, mais elles peuvent être soulagées avec des antidouleurs usuels.

Il est important de suivre les instructions postopératoires données par le Dr Christophe Desouches pour un rétablissement rapide et sûr. Cela peut inclure l’utilisation de soutien-gorge post-opératoire, l’évitement des activités physiques intenses, et la prise de médicaments pour la douleur ou l’inflammation.

Les résultats de l’augmentation mammaire en dual plane

Les résultats de l’augmentation mammaire en dual plane sont visibles immédiatement, mais peuvent prendre jusqu’à 5 mois pour se stabiliser.
The breasts will appear larger, firmer and more harmonious with the general silhouette of the patient.
In addition, dual plan breast augmentation is a safe and effective technique that gives lasting and satisfactory results.

Le prix de l’augmentation mammaire en dual plane

Le prix de cette intervention inclut les frais d’hospitalisation, les honoraires chirurgicaux, les coûts des implants mammaires et les frais d’anesthésie. 

The placement of silicone gel breast prostheses with the dual plan technique, under general anesthesia, with a one-night stay in the clinic, is available from €4,700.

Should you choose this method?

Dual plan breast augmentation is a popular technique for increasing breast volume while obtaining a natural and harmonious result. 

Il est important de considérer que la pose d’implants mammaires en dual plane nécessite une expertise supérieure à la moyenne, car c’est une pose d’implants plus complexe.
Dr. Christophe Desouches has been offering numerous breast augmentation treatments for several years. Whatever form of implants you prefer or the desired implant position, he will give you the best advice to bring you the results you desire.

If you are considering breast augmentation, Dr. Christophe Desouches is at your disposal to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the dual plan technique. You will then know if it is the right choice for you, depending on your goals and your morphology. 

Breast Augmentation Frequently Asked Questions >

Contact us to improve your breast

By choosing to entrust your breasts to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team in Marseille, you will have a quality experience at every stage of your process.

Photo gallery

Before after

Augmentation mammaire par prothèses par voie axillaire

Augmentation mammaire par prothèses par voie axillaire

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Breast Ptosis

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Breast augmentation by prosthesis

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Breast implants

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Breast augmentation by prosthesis

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breast augmentation with prostheses

breast augmentation with prostheses

breast augmentation with prostheses

breast augmentation with prostheses

Breast augmentation with prostheses and round block

Breast augmentation with prostheses and round block

Breast augmentation with prostheses

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Breast ptosis and lipofilling

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Breast ptosis and lipofilling

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Breast ptosis and lipofilling

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Breast ptosis and lipofilling

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Breast ptosis and lipofilling

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Breast augmentation with prostheses

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breast augmentation by prosthesis

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Breast augmentation by axillary prosthesis

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Breast augmentation by prosthesis

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Breast augmentation by axillary prosthesis

Breast augmentation by axillary prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis, axillary, pre-pectoral and sub-fascial approach

Breast augmentation by prosthesis, axillary, pre-pectoral and sub-fascial approach

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Harmonization of the female bust using prostheses

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Breast augmentation by axillary prosthesis

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Reduction in the size of the nipple associated with breast enlargement by prostheses

Reduction in the size of the nipple associated with breast enlargement by prostheses

Nipple invagination treatment

Cure d’invagination des mamelons

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation with prosthesis - 3/4 view

Breast augmentation with prosthesis - 3/4 view

Breast volume increase by prostheses

Breast volume increase by prostheses

Breast augmentation by axillary prosthesis

Breast augmentation by axillary prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast augmentation by prosthesis

Breast prostheses

Breast prostheses

Breast prostheses

Breast prostheses

Breast augmentation with prostheses - periareolar approach

Breast augmentation with prostheses - periareolar approach

Breast augmentation with prostheses and round block

Breast augmentation with prostheses and round block

Breast prostheses and round block

Breast prostheses and round block

Breast ptosis cure

Breast ptosis cure

Breast augmentation with prostheses - periareolar route: Round block

Breast augmentation by prosthesis - periareolar route: Round block

Mammal augmentation

Mammal augmentation

Cure of breast ptosis plus prostheses

Cure of breast ptosis plus prostheses

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