Cosmetic surgeon Marseille

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04 91 55 00 00

Christophe Desouches - Cosmetic surgeon

Online quote

Online appointment



04 91 55 00 00

L’abdominoplastie chez l’homme

Liposuction provides a solution particularly suitable for men suffering from fatty deposits located on the abdomen, in front of the abdominal muscles, and at the level of the flanks (love wrists). When the indication is well weighed, with an absence of ...

Breast prostheses

Ils focalisent l’attention, suscitent bien souvent le désir. Elevés au rang de symbole de la féminité, les seins seraient une zone érogène incontournable. Et lorsque voulons augmenter leur volume, l’augmentation mammaire par prothèse apporte une solution...

Oubliez le visage, la nouvelle tendance, c’est le cou !

He carries our head on our shoulders, but he must be discreet, I am talking about the neck. You should know that the skin of the neck is fine and delicate, it wrinkles, wrinkles and relaxes more quickly than the skin of the face, did you know that it is the skin of the neck that ...

Aesthetic medicine for Christmas?

More and more people under thirty are going through the injection process to show off a flawless face. Today, 30 % for botulinum toxin procedures are done before age 30 compared to 26 % for filler injections, such as hyaluronic acid ....

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