Cosmetic surgeon Marseille

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04 91 55 00 00

Christophe Desouches - Cosmetic surgeon

Online quote

Online appointment



04 91 55 00 00

La sécurité de l’acide hyaluronique injecté

There are many hyaluronic acids on the market. Only a mastery of the rheology of each of these acids makes it possible to choose the right hyaluronic acid for each patient. Each patient must know what they are injected with, the brand and the reference of...

Qu’est ce qu’une profiloplastie ?

We call profiloplasty all the gestures of harmonization of the contours of the face. These may be medical or surgical procedures generally relating to the nose, chin, forehead, cheekbones. The nose is classically at the center of this remodeling by ...

Revitalize your skin after your sun exposure

Even well protected, our skin is damaged under the action of UV rays: it becomes dehydrated from the inside. It also produces free radicals which attack our collagen and disorganize it; this promotes aging. So, this return from vacation is the ...

Sun protection for a safe summer

A chaque peau, sa protection, voilà la règle d’or pour un été en toute sérénité ! Mais comment choisir sa crème solaire ? Avant de s’exposer au soleil, il est essentiel de se protéger. En théorie, un indice de protection solaire 50 multiplierait par 50 le...

Stimulate your collagen

It seems that “collagen is life”, it is to the skin what water is to life: essential! We must therefore preserve it or when we lack it we must force our body to synthesize it. The genetic heritage, the hygiene of life and ...

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