Cosmetic surgery of the face

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04 91 55 00 00

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04 91 55 00 00

By choosing to entrust your face to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team in Marseille, you will have a quality experience at every stage of your process.

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Nefertiti Facelift

Do you dream of rejuvenating the contour of your jawline and the appearance of your neck?

If you want to reverse the signs of aging in the oval of your face, jaw line and neck, the Nefertiti Lift may be the solution you are looking for.

Egyptian Queen Nefertiti is universally recognized as an icon of beauty, in part because of her sleek, well-defined jawline. The aesthetic technique that bears her name – the Nefertiti Neck Lift or Lifting Néfertiti – uses Botox to improve the definition of the jawline and neck.

The vertical muscles that run from the base of your neck to your jawbone, known as the platysmal bands, continually pull your lower face. Over the years, this tension leads to sagging skin, loss of definition in the jawline and tension in the neck. 

The Nefertiti lift will prevent these muscles from pulling down to restore a younger, firmer and more contoured appearance, without surgery. This is a new technique where multiple Botox injections are placed along the lower jaw, as well as down the side of the neck along the platysmal cords. 

Results and Benefits of the Nefertiti Facelift

  • Better jawline definition
  • Lifting of the lower part of the face
  • Amélioration de l’apparence du cou 
  • Harmonisation de l’équilibre visage, mâchoire et cou
  • Short processing time
  • Effective alternative to surgical procedures

The Nefertiti Facelift Technique

A Nefertiti facelift is a procedure performed with Botox injections (botulinum toxin) in the lower part of the face, jaw and neck. Botox is a substance that will temporarily block the nerves in your muscles to prevent contraction. Indeed, it is this muscle contraction that can contribute to causing wrinkles and other signs of aging.
With the Nefertiti facelift technique, the targeted muscles are the platysma muscles that run along the neck, fixed at the bottom of the face and at the level of the collarbones. 

As a plastic surgeon in Marseille, Dr. Christophe Desouches injects Botox into specific parts of these muscles to achieve the desired benefits.
The desired result must be natural and visible.
The resulting impact will then be particularly appreciable.

Generally, the treatment of this area requires 3 to 5 injections into the various muscles concerned. They are practically painless. A numbing cream and a cold compress are applied before the Botox treatment to minimize the “pinching” sensation.

The results are visible after a few days, settle gradually during the first fifteen days, then stabilize in the 3rd week.

We are considering a possible touch-up at 4 weeks. The effects last about 5 to 6 months. With repeated injections, the results tend to linger longer.

Several studies over the past decade, and several scientific papers on the Nefertiti facelift have demonstrated that the procedure has positive results.


Certain neuromuscular diseases such as myasthenia gravis or multiple sclerosis.
Pregnancy and lactation.
Known hypersensitivity to botulinum neurotoxin or albumin.
Treatment with aminoglycosides (antibiotics).

Side effects of Botox injections

Redness or bruising at the injection sites.
Sensitivity disorders with a feeling of muscle tension or fixity.
Imperfections of correctable results during retouching at one month: persistence of fine lines, asymmetry, raised eyebrow, mimicry disorders.

Contact us to beautify your face

By choosing to entrust your face to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team, you are talking to experienced professionals who will accompany you at every stage of your process.

Photo gallery

Before after





Acide hyaluronique cernes avant après

Acide hyaluronique cernes avant après

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Male medical profiloplasty

Male medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Lip injection

Lip injection

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Hyaluronic acid dark circles

Injection of hyaluronic acid dark circles

Injection d’acide hyaluronique cernes

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Medical profiloplasty

Hyaluronic acid injection

Injection d’acide hyaluronique

Russian lips

Russian lips

Hyaluronic acid mouth, treatment of vertical wrinkles and increase in lip volume

Hyaluronic acid mouth, treatment of vertical wrinkles and increase in lip volume

Masculinization of the face

Masculinization of the face

Face Masculinization

Face Masculinization

Increase in lip volume by injections of hyaluronic acid

Augmentation du volume des lèvres par injections d’acide hyaluronique

Medical profiloplasty by injection of hyaluronic acid

Profiloplastie médicale par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Lip injection

Lip injection

Forehead wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles

Medium peel

Medium peel





Hyaluronic Acid injection to harmonize the look without surgery

Injection d’Acide hyaluronique pour harmoniser le regard sans chirurgie

Botulinum toxin also called botox

Botulinum toxin also called botox

Dark circles, dark under eye circles

Dark circles, dark under eye circles



Hyaluronic acid injections to harmonize the profile

Injections d’acide hyaluronique pour harmoniser le profil

Increase in lip volume by injection of hyaluronic acid

Augmentation du volume des lèvres par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Harmonization of the profile or profiloplasty by injection of hyaluronic acid

Harmonisation du profil ou profiloplastie par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Lip augmentation by injection of Hyaluronic Acid: before / after

Augmentation des lèvres par injection d’Acide Hyaluronique : avant / après

Harmonization of the smile by injection of hyaluronic acid in the lips

Harmonisation du sourire par injection d’acide hyaluronique au niveau des lèvres



Increase in lip volume by injection of Hyaluronic Acid

Augmentation du volume des lèvres par injection d’Acide Hyaluronique

Medical profiloplasty: the art of harmonizing the profile without resorting to surgery

Profiloplastie médicale : l’art d’harmoniser le profil sans avoir recours à la chirurgie

facial peel

facial peel

Benefits of peeling for your face

Benefits of peeling for your face



Lips increase

Lips increase

Medical rhinoplasty: injections of hyaluronic acid to correct the nasal profile

Rhinoplastie médicale : injections d’acide hyaluronique pour corriger le profil nasal

Harmonization of the tip of the nose by injections of hyaluronic acid

Harmonisation de la pointe du nez par injections d’acide hyaluronique

Medical rhinoplasty: injections of hyaluronic acid to correct the nasal profile

Rhinoplastie médicale : injections d’acide hyaluronique pour corriger le profil nasal

Medical rhinoplasty: injection of hyaluronic acid

Médicale rhinoplastie : injection d’acide hyaluronique

Profiloplasty and point rhinoplasty

Profiloplasty and point rhinoplasty

Point rhinoplasty associated with fillers

Point rhinoplasty associated with fillers

Correction du sourire gingival ou “gummy smile” par injections d’acide hyaluronique

Correction du sourire gingival ou “gummy smile” par injections d’acide hyaluronique

Hyaluronic acid lips augmentation - Lip augmentation

Hyaluronic acid lips augmentation - Lip augmentation

Hyaluronic acid injection to harmonize the nose

Injection d’acide hyaluronique pour harmoniser le nez

Hyaluronic acid injection to harmonize the nose

Injection d’acide hyaluronique pour harmoniser le nez

Medical rhinoplasty: injections of hyaluronic acid to correct the nasal profile

Rhinoplastie médicale : injections d’acide hyaluronique pour corriger le profil nasal

Profiloplasty the art of harmonizing the face by injection of hyaluronic acid

Profiloplastie l’ art d’harmoniser le visage par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Profiloplasty by injection of hyaluronic acid

Profiloplastie par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Lip augmentation / lip augmentation by injection of hyaluronic acid

Lips augmentation / augmentation des levres par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Increase in lip volume by injection of hyaluronic acid

Augmentation du volume des lèvres par injection d’acide hyaluronique



Beautify the profile without surgery - medical profiloplasty

Beautify the profile without surgery - medical profiloplasty

Mandible hyaluronic acid injection for men

Injection d’acide hyaluronique mandibule pour homme



Medical genioplasty: Harmonization of the profile by injection of hyaluronic acid in the chin

Genioplastie médicale : Harmonisation du profil par injection d’acide hyaluronique au niveau du menton

Profiloplasty by injection of hyaluronic acid into the nose

Profiloplastie par injection d’acide hyaluronique dans le nez



Rhinoplasty medical: injection of hyaluronic acid in the nose

Médicale rhinoplastie : injection d’acide hyaluronique au niveau du nez

Harmonization of the nose and smile by injection of hyaluronic acid

Harmonisation du nez et du sourire par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Jawline contouring or how to redraw the jaw with hyaluronic acid

Jawline contouring ou comment redessiner la mâchoire grâce à l’acide hyaluronique

Medical rhinoplasty in humans - injection of hyaluronic acid

Rhinoplastie médicale chez l’homme – injection d’acide hyaluronique

Botulinum toxin injections in the forehead - Erase expression lines

Injections de toxine botulique au niveau du front – Gommer les rides d’expression

Botox injection in men on the forehead

Injection de botox chez l’homme au niveau du front

Botulinum toxin injections in the forehead - Reducing expression lines with botox

Injections de toxine botulique au niveau du front – Atténuer les rides d’expression grâce au botox

“Russian lips” – Augmentation des lèvres par injection d’acide hyaluronique

“Russian lips” – Augmentation des lèvres par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Medical profiloplasty - injections of hyaluronic acid

Profiloplastie médicale – injections d’acide hyaluronique

“Russian lips” – Augmentation des lèvres par injection d’acide hyaluronique

“Russian lips” – Augmentation des lèvres par injection d’acide hyaluronique

Botox injection in the forehead

Botox injection in the forehead

Lip augmentation / lip augmentation by injection of hyaluronic acid

Lips augmentation / augmentation des levres par injection d’acide hyaluronique

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