Update with Doctor Christophe Desouches, cosmetic surgeon in Marseille.
How to look younger?
Rule number 1; stay away from tobacco!
Smoking affects your appearance. This habit dramatically harms your appearance, contributing to premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, stained teeth, and even an increased risk of psoriasis.
Smoking increases wrinkles due to facial movement, and also has a vasoconstrictor effect, which means that it stifles the flow of blood vessels.
Rule number 2; Eat antioxidants
While a healthy diet does wonders for your entire body, fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants are especially good for the skin.
Rule number 3; Eat fermented
Vous savez probablement déjà que les aliments comme le kimchi, la choucroute, le tempeh et d’autres aliments riches en probiotiques sont bons pour votre intestin. Il s’avère qu’ils peuvent aussi lutter contre le vieillissement prématuré.
Les aliments fermentés ont d’excellentes propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires.
Rule number 4: focus on protein
Most women should eat 46 grams of protein per day.
Protein helps build and maintain muscle mass, which we tend to lose with age.
Rule number 5; Cut down on sugar
Sugar can have harmful effects on your skin. In a 2010 study, researchers found a link between dietary sugars like glucose and greater production of advanced glycation products (AGES).
Rule number 6; Manage your stress
Stressful situations not only take a toll on your mental health. Stress and the hormones associated with stress have effects on aging.
Research suggests that these negative effects start at the cellular level.