It seems that " collagen that's life ”, it is to the skin what water is to life: essential! We must therefore preserve it or when we lack it we must force our body to synthesize it.
Le patrimoine génétique, l’hygiène de vie et l’environnement déterminent le moment auquel l’épiderme, et le derme commencent à s’affiner.
Around 30, the skin begins to refine, its barrier function and its natural defenses against UV rays are gradually reduced.
The flexibility and mass of collagen commencent également à se réduire, suivant un taux d’environ 1 % par an.
The redensification of the dermis then became the essential act!
For this, we use microneedling which will act on various alterations, in a safe way and without social exclusion.
- Treating fine lines, wrinkles, le manque d’éclat, le sagging skin, and more….
– L’acné et les cicatrices d’acné.
- Stretch marks.
Microneedling offers double stimulation;
- A natural activation of the fibers of collagen and better absorption of assets. -