Intimate Surgery

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04 91 55 00 00

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04 91 55 00 00

By choosing to entrust your operation to Dr. Christophe Desouches and his team in Marseille, you will have a quality experience at each stage of your process.

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04 91 55 00 00

Injection d’acide hyaluronique pénien

Un pénis d’un petit volume peut entraîner une gêne importante au quotidien. Le pénis est recouvert d’un étui cutané appelé fourreau pénien. Le but de cette intervention par votre Chirurgien Esthétique à Marseille est de réaliser des injections d’acide hyaluronique sous le fourreau pénien et le gland.

Cette phalloplastie peut dans certains cas être associée à une chirurgie d’allongement de la verge. Elle peut nécessiter plusieurs séances pour obtenir le résultat souhaité. Elle permet d’obtenir une augmentation de 20 à 30% de la circonférence initiale.

Important: after the operation, once the results have stabilized, the patient will regain sexual intercourse without any discomfort, with the same sensitivity of the penis which completely regains its natural appearance.


This operation uses hyaluronic acid, a natural product physiologically present in the body; which is used as a volumizer for various areas of the face and figure. For an aesthetic penoplasty for which the patient expects excellent durability over time, Dr Christophe Desouches selects a hyaluronic acid of the best possible quality.

The goal of the operation is to perform this injection of hyaluronic acid under the penile sheath via a small diameter cannula (round-tipped needle), in order to leave the penis and the surrounding tissues intact.

The surgeon starts the operation with regular injections of hyaluronic acid from the penis to the glans. The objective is to obtain a harmonious distribution while respecting the anatomy of the penis.In a second phase, the practitioner performs regular injections of hyaluronic acid in the opposite direction, and on the sides, in order to obtain the result. the best balanced, which the patient will be able to appreciate at rest as in erection.

It is advisable to provide 5 to 10 syringes of hyaluronic acid during the session to see a significant improvement in the circumference of the penis.

A second session can be considered after 1 month if the patient wants more volume.

L’anesthésie utilisée est généralement locale sans sédation. L’intervention est la plupart du temps réalisée en ambulatoire, avec une sortie le jour même.

The operation lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the amount of hyaluronic acid to be injected.

The initial consultation

The initial consultation is an opportunity to examine yourself, discuss your discomfort, and explain the expected results to you. It makes it possible to search for the antecedents which may require rules of caution such as genital herpes or smoking.


Toute chirurgie même mineure comporte des risques. Ces complications sont extrêmement rares et habituellement mineures dans ce cas de figure. On ne peut éliminer les risques de réaction à l’anesthésie. Les complications quelquefois rencontrées sont l’infection ou l’hématome.

In exceptional cases, there may be partial skin necrosis. Edema may persist for several months but is usually self-limiting.

Before surgery

Il est impératif d’arrêter de fumer au moins deux mois avant la chirurgie, le tabac étant un facteur d’échec de la greffe de graisse. La prise d’aspirine est interdite 10 jours avant l’intervention. Avant l’acte chirurgical, il est nécessaire de se laver avec un savon antiseptique.

Le jour de l’intervention, il faut prévoir le temps suffisant pour arriver à l’heure prévue, sans stress excessif. Il est important de prévoir une personne qui puisse vous raccompagner à votre domicile après votre hospitalisation.

Operative suites

The postoperative effects are generally not very painful.

Significant edema can appear and usually takes 10 to 15 days to resolve.

Sexual abstinence is imperative for 4 weeks.

Professional activity, if it is not particularly physical, can be resumed after 24 hours.

The gain in circumference is on average between 2 cm and 2.5 cm.

The injection of hyaluronic acid is perfectly tolerated, there is no rejection and the practice of all the usual physical activities and sports can be resumed in complete safety. Likewise, no discomfort will be noticed during erections.

Contact us to improve your privacy

By choosing to entrust your privacy to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team, you are talking to experienced professionals who will accompany you at every stage of your process. Do not hesitate to contact us on 04 91 55 00 00 to make an appointment.

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