Enlargement of the penis by autologous fat
Manhood and sex are important topics for a man. A penis of a small volume can cause significant discomfort on a daily basis. The penis is covered with a skin sheath called a penile sheath. The goal of this intervention by your Cosmetic Surgeon in Marseille is to perform a fatty tissue graft under the penile sheath.
Fat is usually removed from the belly by liposuction.
Advantage of this approach: the fat comes from the patient himself and no foreign substance is used. It therefore allows the penis to be enlarged in a natural way.
This phalloplasty can in some cases be combined with penis lengthening surgery. It may take several sessions to achieve the desired result. It allows to obtain an increase from 20% to 30% of the initial circumference. The results require a period of 5 months to be definitive, after integration of the fat graft and disappearance of the edema.
Important: after the operation, once the results have stabilized, the patient will regain sexual intercourse without any discomfort, with the same sensitivity of the penis which completely regains its natural appearance.
Do you need to increase the girth of your penis?
The usefulness of this intervention is based more on male “perceived volume” rather than objective measures. This means that for some patients, even if they are in a statistical average, it may be beneficial to proceed with penile thickening if it resolves their physical and psychological concerns, allowing them to regain their self-confidence.
It therefore concerns any man dissatisfied with the dimensions of his penis, at rest or in erection, whether in length or in diameter.
Il n’y a pas de limite d’âge, cette opération peut être pratiquée par des hommes d’âge mûrs comme pour des jeunes hommes n’ayant pas encore commencé leur vie sexuelle.
This operation uses the principle of "lipofilling", that is to say an injection of fatty tissue (or in synonymous terms fat transfer, liposculpture, adipose tissue grafting, lipomodelling, injection of autologous fat).
The aim of the intervention is to achieve this injection of fat under the penile sheath after having taken it according to the principle of liposuction in a donor area of the patient (abdomen, hips, thighs or buttocks), through the intermediary of a small diameter cannula and a syringe. The fatty tissue is removed by liposuction in a gentle and atraumatic manner.
After centrifugation, the cellular part of the fat removed is reinjected as a coating using micro-cannulas through puncture-shaped skin incisions at the base of the glans. The anesthesia used is generally complete (general anesthesia). The operation is most of the time performed on an outpatient basis, with a discharge the same day.
The initial consultation
The initial consultation is an opportunity to examine yourself, discuss your discomfort, and explain the expected results to you. It makes it possible to search for the antecedents which may require rules of caution such as genital herpes or smoking.
Toute chirurgie même mineure comporte des risques. Ces complications sont extrêmement rares et habituellement mineures dans ce cas de figure. On ne peut éliminer les risques de réaction à l’anesthésie. Les complications quelquefois rencontrées sont l’infection ou l’hématome.
In exceptional cases, there may be partial skin necrosis. Edema may persist for several months but is usually self-limiting. In rare cases, calcified nodules may be found which may require surgical excision.
Before surgery
Il est impératif d’arrêter de fumer au moins deux mois avant la chirurgie, le tabac étant un facteur d’échec de la greffe de graisse. La prise d’aspirine est interdite 10 jours avant l’intervention. Avant l’acte chirurgical, il est nécessaire de se laver avec un savon antiseptique.
Le jour de l’intervention, il faut prévoir le temps suffisant pour arriver à l’heure prévue, sans stress excessif. Il est important de prévoir une personne qui puisse vous raccompagner à votre domicile après votre hospitalisation.
Operative suites
The postoperative period is generally not very painful
- Significant edema can appear and usually takes 10 to 15 days to resolve.
- Sexual abstinence is imperative for 4 weeks.
- Professional activity, if it is not particularly physical, can be resumed after 24 hours.
- There is a slow absorption of fat which stabilizes around the 4th month. It is on this date that we can evaluate the final result and that you and your Plastic Surgeon could consider a new session or a simple touch-up. The gain in circumference is on average between 2 cm and 2.5 cm.
- Postoperative penile massages can be considered to reduce the risk of the occurrence of a nodule or irregularities in consistency.
- The fat used being autologous (it comes from the patient himself), there is no rejection and the practice of all the usual physical activities and sports can be resumed in complete safety. Likewise, no discomfort will be noticed during erections, the penile body being simply enveloped in an additional layer of fat.
Penis lengthening
In addition to an enlargement penoplasty, it is possible to combine it with penis lengthening penoplasty qui permettra d’agrandir le pénis.
These two operations can be grouped together or considered in isolation.